Social Media Marketing

We Build Brands on Social Media

No #1 Social Media Marketing Service Company

Have you been looking for a Kolkata-based company to take over your social media marketing campaign? If so, we at SEO control are the perfect choice.

Our data driven strategies will help increase user engagement and lead generation on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram – all without breaking any sweat! According NY Times 82% of people nationwide use Social Media currently which means that it’s an important part in today’s society/. let us enhance brand visibility significantly faster with our well thought out services by contacting us right away!”

Our Social Media Strategies Go Beyond Just Posting


We know how to find your target audience and speak their language with the most effective social media marketing tools.


Our creative, engaging and versatile brand story telling service helps brands to reach their target audiences by creating customised solutions for various platforms.


We use storytelling to create unforgettable brands that captivate existing and new customers.


With these insights, we optimize campaigns in real-time for optimal performance.

Why Choose Marketing Mojito for Your Social Media Marketing

Forge New Connections and Strengthen Your Competitive Edge

Marketing Mojito Internet Marketing Agency is an award-winning company with the expertise you need to grow your online revenue. We manage social media campaigns and create content for maximum impact, which means increased visibility on major networks like Facebook or Twitter can help boost traffic from new sources! Partnering up could be just what’s needed – contact us today so we may discuss how working together will benefit both parties involved in this arrangement.”

Dedicated Account Managers

Marketing Mojito is a company that has strategists specifically assigned to work with different industries and their social media marketing needs. They could get multiple people on your brand’s case, so you’ll want them around! The account managers are available by email or phone if ever need arises because they’re always ready for anything.

Extensive Onboarding Process

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. That’s why our social media marketing consultants provide you with an in-depth strategy breakdown during your campaign inception to ensure that all of the tactics and metrics will be on point from day one!

Custom Social Media Marketing Strategy

Targeted and effective social media marketing campaigns can help you grow your business. We’ll identify the perfect target audience for this strategy, so that it’s tailored just right!

Social Media Campaign Reports

The detailed reports we provide give you a full overview of your social media performance. Our monthly breakdown helps monitor the ROI for all that hard work!

Paid and Organic Team

You can trust us to get the job done. With a team of strategists that span organic and paid, we guarantee your campaign will be handled right with years’ worth experience in social media marketing conversions for you!

Diverse Marketing Experience

Marketing Mojito Social Media Marketing is here to help you with your social media marketing strategy. Whether it be a startup, enterprise or multi-location company our goal as the leading agency in this space goes above and beyond meeting expectations of all types!

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What Does a Social Media Management Agency do?

We take care of all your social media marketing requirements including publishing and creation of content social media ads, as well as monitoring social media.

Understand Your Business, Target Audience & Competition

Although posting content on social media is easy for the majority of people, it’s important to think about what you publish. First, we recommend taking an extra step and doing an initial review of your web presence, your company in general along with your competitors and potential customers. We don’t write content for our clients without doing our due diligence investigation. We gather all the information possible about your company, your competitors, and your intended market. Although we’re well-versed in the implementation of digital marketing solutions for various industries We still spend the time to learn about the specifics of your company’s needs. What differentiates you from your competitors in your field? Which are the USPs (unique selling points)? Why should customers decide to choose your company? These are the kind of questions that we will take the time to address with you. We’ll assist you in developing an effective marketing strategy and identifying the most appropriate target market. Other than the fundamentals like their age, their location, and so on. What is it that motivates your audience to engage? What are their motivations and what problems that they are trying to address? What do their behaviour patterns appear like on the internet? We’ll take a look at what competition is doing with social media and see what they’re up to that is a hit with the people you share your target market with. Understanding what is driving your prospective clients to buy the product will assist us to decide what to share on your various social media channels. The more we understand about your business, competitors, and your prospective clients, the more we’ll be in managing your social platforms as a whole.

Content Creation

After we’ve conducted a thorough study and developed a plan specifically tailored to your company We’ll then proceed to develop content for your social media channels. The amount of content we produce will depend on the plan that you’ve chosen to sign up for However, in general, we produce text and images (or video) to go with it for each post. The call-to-action that we put in the text will differ depending on the social media platform you’re publishing on. For instance, Instagram does not allow links to be included in the text, so we generally include the URL within the bio. Twitter has a more strict number of characters than some other sites, which is why we modify your content there to suit. If you sign up with one of the social media platforms like Instagram we will be able to develop additional content to promote features specific specifically to Instagram, such as Instagram Stories. Regarding the images which is used to publish copies, you could employ images, GIFs and videos alike. The most important thing here is that we develop content that is specifically based on the information we collect while conducting research on your company. Our expertise allows us to design text and graphics that draw readers’ attention to your targeted viewers and distinguish your business from others.

Content Calendar Publishing

We mentioned earlier that social media posting is easy for the majority of people users, and it’s very true! But it can be difficult when you’re putting together your own calendar that you have planned for each month. Small business owners don’t have the time to manually independently publish a post on social media using well-thought-out hashtags on many platforms, multiple times each day. Not only would it drain you of time, but would create more space for grammar and spelling mistakes. We know that! This is why we take publishing off of your hands as well. We design content calendars for our customers one month ahead Then we utilize our software for publishing and analytics to schedule the entire calendar of the month’s content all in a single session. This lets us make sure that no errors are made with the posts. It also will save you (and ourselves) time, and allows us to concentrate more on the other areas of your business, and also lets your followers on social media to be able to count on regular posts from you.

Social Media Advertising

Many business owners don’t know are the mysterious world of advertising on social networks. Behind every tweet and every post there’s an advertising network that lets you make money from your content. You are able to “boost“ existing social media posts or create completely new social media advertisements to be run. In any case it’s a matter of how social media advertising allows you to get your brand, content and your website in front of the larger group, and at a faster pace. Based on your business objectives and goals for social media include, you can choose from many different kinds of advertising campaigns we could suggest. They differ based on the objective. If you want to bring visitors to your website or drive direct sales through your site, increase lead conversions on your site or simply increase the number of followers on your social media and engagement, advertising on social media can assist you in achieving all of it. Our social media ad experts are skilled and adept at creating any kind of ad campaign that you want or think is the most appropriate to your business. The reason why so many business owners aren’t experienced with advertising on social media is that it can be somewhat technical when setting everything up. To track the amount of conversions and sales you’re gaining through your social media campaigns you must install tracking pixels that link your social media advertising accounts to your site. This is why it’s helpful to have experts in digital marketing who are doing this all each day (like we!) assist and help you take this job off your shoulders. We can ensure your advertising campaigns are created from the initial idea to implementation.

Social Media Monitoring

You’ve probably heard it repeated a few times: digital marketing can’t be successful using an “set to forget“ strategy. The online world is constantly changing every day, which is true for social media too! It is important to keep in mind the fact that “the web“ is comprised of real human beings whose views and purchasing habits are always changing and being influencers. This is why we offer monitoring of social media in our social media monitoring services. When you sign to our management of social media services or our social media advertising service and/or both of them, be sure we will monitor your social media activity for you on a daily basis. What are the comments and messages you getting through your social media followers? What are the responses of your followers to your ads? What’s working best for your social networks , and what’s not? Our team is on the lookout for your social media accounts to ensure that all of your followers are addressed on behalf of your company and also to search for opportunities to enhance your social media marketing strategy.

What Are the Benefits of Social Media Marketing Services

Social media marketing offers many advantages for both startups and established brands. With the proper plan of marketing for social media and a campaign monitoring system using social media to promote content could increase search traffic and better SEO, as well as healthier customer engagement, and better brand loyalty.

Are you still unsure about whether to invest in social media marketing services? Here are the top benefits of marketing via social media to help you make a better decision:

More Online Exposition

The social media industry is continuously evolving and changing, making it an extremely effective online marketing tool for both brands and businesses. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram can be dynamically increasing the visibility and popularity of your business. Through a well-planned social media content marketing plan you will get more engagements as well as social signaling, like shares and likes that let you interact with the larger online community.

High Search Rankings

Search engines such as Google and Bing have now integrated updates, tweets, comments and profiles into their results pages, in recognition of how important social media interaction. The more people share your content through social media platforms and channels, the more traffic they drive to your website and consequently, the higher your rankings in search results.

Particular Audience Targeting

However useful and interesting your content may be, it’s not going to bring in conversions if it does not get to the right audience. Social media marketing allows you to determine and classify your ideal customers by age, location and other online activities, as well as other indicators. Marketing experts on social media identify your market niche and analyse it to determine your consumers’ online habits and create relevant ads and content which meet their needs.

Increased Customer Reach

The Global Web Index study shows that 54 percent of users use social media sites for research on products. In addition the majority of consumers are influenced by recommendations from influencers on social media in their search for brands. With a solid social media marketing plan, you can increase your brand’s visibility and get your business in front of the right audience.

Absolute Brand Control

The social media marketing plans can be tailored to meet your particular requirements and financial capabilities. This means that you are in complete the control of your brand, budget, and social plan of marketing through content. Knowing how to utilize social media for marketing allows you to build and maintain a brand image that is appealing to your intended audience and make sure that your business-to-business social media marketing is always in top shape.

Improved Customer Trust

Knowing how to utilize social media to market helps you build an influential brand and build lasting, meaningful connections with your fans. The social media team at our company provides valuable content and participates in online discussions about your business, keeping an eye on your targeted market. We also utilize social media videos to highlight your customer testimonials or case studies, as well as other material that proves your credibility as a brand.

Social media marketing is among the most effective methods to make your brand more human and provide your customers with an insider’s look at what’s going within your business. Make the most of marketing Mojito advertising on social networks services to get more people to endorse your company! Get in touch with our marketing on social networks company today to find out more information about the best ways to utilize social media to promote your brand.

Begin your social media marketing campaign today.

Social Media Management

Drive Your Customer Engagement and Brand Loyalty

Social media has opened up an opportunity for businesses to connect directly with their customers and collect valuable data to improve their brand. With a compelling value proposition and innovative social media marketing techniques executed correctly, you will be able to increase your reach to customers and maintain a good online image. Social media management lets you achieve this.

What is Social Media Management?

The management of your social media accounts is an element of marketing on social media that involves planning, creating, and evaluating content published across social networks.

Marketing companies for social media use different tools for managing social media and platforms, like Hootsuite and Onlypult for monitoring your social media presence as well as scheduling posts in bulk.

With the increasing number of people who are exposed to brand new companies every day on social media managing social media is essential to keep ahead of the curve. Social media management allows you to:

  • Establish a unified brand
  • Make sure you are in control of your online community
  • Reduce business costs
  • Track your campaign development
  • Improve your customer relations
  • Expand your reach to the public

Marketing Mojito Marketing Mojito, we understand that managing social media is an continuous process. This is why we keep on top of the most recent developments and trends in the marketplace to help you maximize your brand’s potential.

Social media Marketing experts make use of the most advanced technology for managing your social media accounts as well as design your campaigns management processes to meet your particular needs and requirements of your target audience.

Keep up-to-date with the changing landscape of social media and earn more business. Contact us today and let’s begin your social media marketing campaign!

How much does social media management cost?

The management of your social media accounts is an element of marketing on social media that involves planning, creating, and evaluating content published across social networks.

Marketing companies for social media use different tools for managing social media and platforms, like Hootsuite and Onlypult for monitoring your social media presence as well as scheduling posts in bulk.

With the increasing number of people who are exposed to brand new companies every day on social media managing social media is essential to keep ahead of the curve. Social media management allows you to:

The management of your social media accounts is an element of marketing on social media that involves planning, creating, and evaluating content published across social networks.

Marketing companies for social media use different tools for managing social media and platforms, like Hootsuite and Onlypult for monitoring your social media presence as well as scheduling posts in bulk.

With the increasing number of people who are exposed to brand new companies every day on social media managing social media is essential to keep ahead of the curve. Social media management allows you to:

Reach more people and grow your brand awareness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the reasons to use Social Media for my Business?

These platforms are utilized every day by the majority of people across the globe.

You’d do your business an injustice not to utilize these platforms to improve the engagement of your customers and boost your online visibility.

A large number of customers visit the social media pages of a company or profiles to look over before making a buy.

It is essential to establish an online presence for your company, so that your customers who are already there can check out your online activities and interact with your company in a informal manner.

Customers who aren’t looking to buy are likely to join chats on Facebook chat or contact you through Twitter or LinkedIn rather than asking for a consultation through the form on your website.

What social media platforms Should I sign up for?

It is important to conduct study to determine what social media platforms are most popular with your intended group of customers.

Based on this knowledge ensure that you’re maximizing your presence on every platform that your target audience is likely to be engaged.

Additionally, you should consider the kinds of products and services that you provide and determine the best platform for your brand and message.

Also, take into consider your goals for business and think about the platforms that can help your goals.


It is entirely dependent on the platform since every social network has its own set of rules which must be adhered to in order to utilize the platform in a more efficient method.

The frequency of posting as well as the timing for posting are different for each social platform.

A good social media manager will be aware of the best methods.

If you manage your social media on your own take a look on the frequency and length of your posts as well as the right time to publish your content.

What is the difference between an advertisement and a POST on SOCIAL MEDIA?

If you share content on social media, you’re giving information to your followers as well as the general public to read naturally.

But, advertising posted on social networks is a form of paid advertising. You can design your own unique advertisement, and target your viewers based on their demographics and preferences and make sure your brand’s image is placed before your ideal customer.


Some social media platforms offer the possibility of boosting your organic posts or even promoting them for a small fee in order to ensure that more users will see your content.

This is a great option to promote posts that perform exceptionally well or that promote the sale of a particular offer.

On various platforms you can create an advertisement right from your post to increase the number of people who view it or create an advanced ad using the platform’s advertising system.

What should I spend on social media marketing?

Your spending on advertising for social media is based on the budget you have available.

It’s not an extremely costly advertising option, however the more you invest in the end, the more benefit and gain.

It is essential to design your social media advertising budget in a way that is compatible with the limitations of the platform.

For example, Facebook has a minimum daily ad budget and it’s suggested that you start investing with a minimal budget.

Once you’ve got a clear understanding of what’s working and what’s not, you can begin increasing your budget.

You’ll soon be able to see a positive profit on investment.

What are the reasons to use Social Media for my Business?

These platforms are utilized every day by the majority of people across the globe.

You’d do your business an injustice not to utilize these platforms to improve the engagement of your customers and boost your online visibility.

A large number of customers visit the social media pages of a company or profiles to look over before making a buy.

It is essential to establish an online presence for your company, so that your customers who are already there can check out your online activities and interact with your company in a informal manner.

Customers who aren’t looking to buy are likely to join chats on Facebook chat or contact you through Twitter or LinkedIn rather than asking for a consultation through the form on your website.

What social media platforms Should I sign up for?

It is important to conduct study to determine what social media platforms are most popular with your intended group of customers.

Based on this knowledge ensure that you’re maximizing your presence on every platform that your target audience is likely to be engaged.

Additionally, you should consider the kinds of products and services that you provide and determine the best platform for your brand and message.

Also, take into consider your goals for business and think about the platforms that can help your goals.


It is entirely dependent on the platform since every social network has its own set of rules which must be adhered to in order to utilize the platform in a more efficient method.

The frequency of posting as well as the timing for posting are different for each social platform.

A good social media manager will be aware of the best methods.

If you manage your social media on your own take a look on the frequency and length of your posts as well as the right time to publish your content.

What is the difference between an advertisement and a POST on SOCIAL MEDIA?

If you share content on social media, you’re giving information to your followers as well as the general public to read naturally.

But, advertising posted on social networks is a form of paid advertising. You can design your own unique advertisement, and target your viewers based on their demographics and preferences and make sure your brand’s image is placed before your ideal customer.


Some social media platforms offer the possibility of boosting your organic posts or even promoting them for a small fee in order to ensure that more users will see your content.

This is a great option to promote posts that perform exceptionally well or that promote the sale of a particular offer.

On various platforms you can create an advertisement right from your post to increase the number of people who view it or create an advanced ad using the platform’s advertising system.

What should I spend on social media marketing?

Your spending on advertising for social media is based on the budget you have available.

It’s not an extremely costly advertising option, however the more you invest in the end, the more benefit and gain.

It is essential to design your social media advertising budget in a way that is compatible with the limitations of the platform.

For example, Facebook has a minimum daily ad budget and it’s suggested that you start investing with a minimal budget.

Once you’ve got a clear understanding of what’s working and what’s not, you can begin increasing your budget.

You’ll soon be able to see a positive profit on investment.

Our Other Digital Marketing Services

Content Marketing

Web Development

Video Production

Social Media Marketing



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