Search Engine Optimization

Hire a Leading SEO Agency

Marketing Mojito is the SEO agency for companies that want to drive revenue from search. We can help you capture more traffic, rankings and revenue with our cutting-edge strategies!

Get your free SEO audit Report now.

Historical SEO Results

Marketing mojito is a digital marketing agency in mumbai that offers innovative SEO and internet services to keep your business website on the top ranks of search results. Our goal for you as an advertiser, or client depending how we see it (you’re not hiring us), will be better quality leads from high ticket searches which ultimately convert into greater profits for both parties involved!

Total Website Traffic

Total Leads

Top 10 Keywords

We provide Different types of SEO Services

Small Business SEO

We help you get high search engine rankings so that your company can be found by potential customers all over the country.

Local SEO

With our local SEO service, we will make it easier for people in your area to find you. This is especially useful if one of the things that set’s yours apart from other businesses are personalized services or a higher quality product at lower cost than competitors offer!

Ecommerce SEO

Your online store is driving more customers and sales with our SEO services.

Enterprise SEO

We have the tools and skills to help your business reach new heights. With our actionable data, we can increase revenue by providing insights that will transform businesses for generations!

App store optimization

With the right app, you can turn your company into a business that shakes hands with customers and changes their lives. Let us optimize yours to rank higher on search engines for more visibility among potential clients.

Paid Search Marketing

Here at marketing mojito, we offer complete ad campaign management services that includes keyword research and reporting on every rupee spent.

Our SEO Include

Conversion Rate optimization

Give your customers a reason to stay with Thrive. Our CRO services increase the lifetime value of each customer and maximize revenue from online ads by integrating pay-per click marketing into our SEO strategy for maximum conversion opportunities on every page touchpoint! We perform website analyses, landing page optimization & A/B split testing so you can get ahead in competition

Content writing

Your website needs fresh, engaging content to rank higher in search engine rankings. Our team of experienced writers are available for hire and will generate SEO-friendly blog posts or optimize your pre-existing services/products pages with more information about each item on the site so that you can boost traffic through better marketing efforts!

Ecommerce SEO

We know that providing your customers with a 24/7 convenient shopping experience and increasing client retention is critical to ensure the success of any business. That’s why we offer Walmart Marketplace integrations, which can help you increase sales volume by reaching new buyers on their mobile device or through voice search!

Amazon SEO

We have a variety of services to help you get found on Amazon. Our team will optimize your product listings, maximize ad placements and implement goal-oriented marketing strategies that are designed for the right customers in order promote products accurately – maximizing ROI with minimal effort!

Shopify SEO

Expanding your market reach is easy with the help of our SEO experts. Our team can offer a Shopify audit and web design services that will not only optimize customers’ experiences, but also increase search engine rankings for products in sale! I need some quick assistance expanding my business online – do you think we could get together tomorrow?

Franchise SEO

Get the most out of your marketing efforts with Thrive’s SEO services for multi-location businesses. Our geo-specific content will help you rank higher in search engines, advertise on local social media sites like Nextdoor and create custom web designs that are tailored just right!

Off Page SEO

Our SEO company is a expert in off-page optimization and we can help you increase your online exposure by generating qualified links. Partner with us to establish credibility as an industry leader, while boosting the number of positive reviews for each business listing on Google My Business. Mentioning social media marketing? It’s not just about what happens behind closed doors – it includes how people perceive these efforts too!

On Page SEO

Make your business more visible and trustworthy through SEO services that are aligned with search engine best practices. Our expert team will publish unique, valuable content to boost the online reputation of you or any other company in need!

Local SEO

The best way to get customers into your store is through a strong online presence. With Google My Business optimization, you can attract high-intent folks who are looking for local services in their area and provide them with an easy option when it comes time make purchases from someone they know already has what’s needed on staff or at another nearby location!

Technical SEO

Not only will you be happier with your rankings, but search engines are much more likely to give a higher ranking when they crawl our website. optimize page speed and fix those errors – it’ll make the back end of this process go smoothly!

Link Building

The value of a backlink is not just limited to increasing your site ranking! That’s why you need an SEO company like Thrive with experts in link building and connections across many high quality websites.

Keyword Research Strategy

Have you been noticing that your website’s ranking is not where it used to be? Marketing mojito can help boost specific search terms for a more targeted audience. Our team will review the current keywords, take an input list of what words we want added into our site and conduct additional research on how best these new additions would suit us in both SEO purposes as well as providing value with traffic from other websites who may link back up their content or pages within ours because they like its quality!

What you will receive with Every campaign

Website Health

The entire process of optimizing your site for Google can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Fortunately, comprehensive audits from our team will identify what’s preventing you from ranking on the first page of search results!.

Reporting Dashboard

Get a better understanding of what’s working for your business with our insightful keyword tracking and integration.

Monthly updates

Each month, we will take a look at the progress of your website and help you optimize it. We do this in scheduled one-on-one calls with our dedicated SEO specialists so that everything runs smoothly!

Onsite Optimization

You can rank higher in search engines with our team of expert writers who are committed to providing you only 100% original content. Our services will help boost your online presence and make sure that no stone is left unturned when it comes time for marketing!

Competitive Analysis

Make sure you’re not getting left behind by comparing your progress to other people in the same industry.

Build Authority

Optimize your site for conversions and get more leads with a professional tone of voice that will turn casual website visitors into paying customers.

Our Other Digital Marketing Services

Content Marketing

Web Development

Video Production

Social Media Marketing



App Development


Let’s Build your Brand

What services can we provide you?*

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is a process that can be done by yourself or with the help of someone else. Once your brand’s presence on all major social media platforms and content across websites are optimized, you will find yourself in first place when customers search for something related to what they’re looking at online!

How does SEO works?

If you’re looking to get more traffic and high-quality visitors on your site, then SEO is the way to go. Organic Search Engine Optimization means that all changes are made internally by updating content or adding new information in order for search engines like Google & Bing have easy access of what’s going inside their website so they can index it correctly which will result with increased organic web crawls as well improve rankings because people trust authentic sources over paid ads!

Do I need different SEO Strategy for different search engines?

When it comes to search engine optimization, Google is usually the leading option. Not only does most of your target market use this particular site’s favorite SERPs (search engines Results Pages), but also an overwhelming majority come from these organic traffic sources – which means that if you want more customers finding YOUR website via popular queries rather than spending time on less-known sites with little potential growth or income generation outcomes then focusing efforts here makes sense!

How much does it cost to implement an SEO campaign?

If you’re looking for an experienced SEO agency or expert to help with your marketing, it’s wise not only include this cost in the overall budget but also set out certain expectations when hiring. The average hourly rate is about $150 per hour so make sure that whatever candidate offers their services knows exactly how much work they will get done based on beforehand discussions regarding scope of project- from start up boxes all way through organic growth stages including ATS optimization efforts too!

Can I do SEO myself?

To get the best results when it comes to SEO, you’ll need an expert team on your side. But don’t let that discourage you! With just a little know-how and some time invested in learning by trial error (and maybe following some tutorials), I’m sure we can turn those numbers into something more than fine — they might even become brilliant if all goes well

What affects your SEO ranking?

The three factors that directly impact your SEO ranking, even if you have only implemented a very basic search strategy on the site are Page Load Time — If websites take too long to load they will bounce and likely go elsewhere. Google (and all search engines) rank sites lower due in part by slow page loads which is something we should pay close attention as it draws closer for this major update confirmed by them last March 2021 The Core Web Vitals Update focused primarily within these areas of performance: Connectivity or Server speed; Health

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is a process that can be done by yourself or with the help of someone else. Once your brand’s presence on all major social media platforms and content across websites are optimized, you will find yourself in first place when customers search for something related to what they’re looking at online!

How does SEO works?

If you’re looking to get more traffic and high-quality visitors on your site, then SEO is the way to go. Organic Search Engine Optimization means that all changes are made internally by updating content or adding new information in order for search engines like Google & Bing have easy access of what’s going inside their website so they can index it correctly which will result with increased organic web crawls as well improve rankings because people trust authentic sources over paid ads!

Do I need different SEO Strategy for different search engines?

When it comes to search engine optimization, Google is usually the leading option. Not only does most of your target market use this particular site’s favorite SERPs (search engines Results Pages), but also an overwhelming majority come from these organic traffic sources – which means that if you want more customers finding YOUR website via popular queries rather than spending time on less-known sites with little potential growth or income generation outcomes then focusing efforts here makes sense!

How much does it cost to implement an SEO campaign?

If you’re looking for an experienced SEO agency or expert to help with your marketing, it’s wise not only include this cost in the overall budget but also set out certain expectations when hiring. The average hourly rate is about $150 per hour so make sure that whatever candidate offers their services knows exactly how much work they will get done based on beforehand discussions regarding scope of project- from start up boxes all way through organic growth stages including ATS optimization efforts too!

Can I do SEO myself?

To get the best results when it comes to SEO, you’ll need an expert team on your side. But don’t let that discourage you! With just a little know-how and some time invested in learning by trial error (and maybe following some tutorials), I’m sure we can turn those numbers into something more than fine — they might even become brilliant if all goes well

What affects your SEO ranking?

The three factors that directly impact your SEO ranking, even if you have only implemented a very basic search strategy on the site are Page Load Time — If websites take too long to load they will bounce and likely go elsewhere. Google (and all search engines) rank sites lower due in part by slow page loads which is something we should pay close attention as it draws closer for this major update confirmed by them last March 2021 The Core Web Vitals Update focused primarily within these areas of performance: Connectivity or Server speed; Health