
A small-sized agency for business branding

Let’s be real.

There’s never a “perfect” moment to begin. If your brand’s image isn’t a good one, it can be detrimental to your success in the future.

We have learned from our experience that If your company does not have a visually appealing logo and website, then marketing isn’t going to be effective. Nowadays, the appearance and the feeling of your business’s online image can make what makes the difference in potential customers and a visitor.

What do you think you need to be branding? We’d like to speak with you about these.

Hit the button below, complete the form, and then schedule an appointment to talk with one of our Business Development representatives now.

A small-sized agency for business branding

Let’s be real.

There’s never a “perfect” moment to begin. If your brand’s image isn’t a good one, it can be detrimental to your success in the future.

We have learned from our experience that If your company does not have a visually appealing logo and website, then marketing isn’t going to be effective. Nowadays, the appearance and the feeling of your business’s online image can make what makes the difference in potential customers and a visitor.

What do you think you need to be branding? We’d like to speak with you about these.

Hit the button below, complete the form, and then schedule an appointment to talk with one of our Business Development representatives now.

Branding Services

If we consider “brand,” we think of famous global brands such as Amazon, Nike, Coke etc.

But there’s more to branding than just spending hundreds of millions to gain worldwide recognition for your brand like these big businesses. In our connected world, we are constantly bombarded with business, product ads, promotional messages, and promotional messages on every medium.

In such a chaotic market, how can you make your brand stand out? build an image that is positive for your company to an appropriate audience?

This is why professional services for branding play an essential part.

What are the branding services?

When you’re choosing the name of your new service, product or logo, you must distinguish yourself against your competitors.

There is more to branding than an identity, a form, and typography.

Branding is about identifying the characteristics that your prospective clients appreciate about a company and blending your company’s values and character with these qualities.

The aim is to convey what your company’s values are about in a manner that is appealing to your intended audience.

Branding services comprise:


Product or service name choice


Logo design


The process of creating a brand identity and usage guidelines


Communication and messaging for employees


Brand messages


Brochure and stationery style


Marketing and promotion strategies for brands


Vision and mission declarations


The creation of marketing collaterals


Design and packaging for products


Presentation design


Web design and development


Customer persona development


Design for landing pages and emails

Branding Services: Step-By-Step Method

Strategy Planning

We will get to know your company as well as your industry, as well as your target market. We study the market for ways to connect with your customers and enhance your brand’s appeal.

Brand Identity

If you’re establishing your brand’s identity first time or are rebranding your existing brand, we will bring all the elements to create a brand that allows you to establish your place on the market. Our team is able to develop your logo, create your tagline, and then refine your voice, mission, and vision. We design an innovative selling strategy that is able to connect with customers.

Marketing Strategy

One of our strategies for marketing involves helping your customers recognize your brand. We incorporate your brand’s logo, tagline, and message on all printed and digital marketing collateral. No matter where you go – on your social media, website or print ads. Your branding will always be the primary thing people will recognize. This strengthens your standing on the market.

Marketing Campaigns Launched

No matter how much effort you employ to promote your business, each campaign’s execution has to be as efficient as the strategy. We scrutinize every aspect to ensure that each launch succeeds by providing you with the materials for branding and the support you require.

Assess and Relaunch

Even the best executed brand launches leave room for expansion. We set up tracking in order to assess the ROI (ROI) from your marketing materials and websites. Our team meets every month to review the most recent reports and discuss the most recent metrics as well as plans for future marketing.

Accounts And Project Management

When you are managing your brand there is no time to rest. We’re always scanning the future for the next brilliant idea and your current marketing efforts are in place. Continuous management allows us to identify minor issues and adapt to the changing circumstances instead of spending time trying to fix major issues or start from scratch.

Brand Development

After we’ve laid the foundation to establish your brand’s identity We continue to build your image of your business through creating a new website and creating new marketing campaigns, and developing media to support your efforts. We will provide the tools you require for your promotions and events, preparing you to be successful before, during and following every campaign.

Our Best Practices for Branding

Consistency wins

The primary element of creating an identity is consistency. For instance the colours and fonts should be in harmony.

Focus on the customer

Consider who you are looking to attract and design your product according to the things that are most suited to the colors. Avoid the trap of trying to appear cool.

Imagery is important

The old saying says “a picture is worth 1,000 words” So keep this in mind when you design your logo’s elements as well as photos of your product.

What’s unique about our small business branding services?

From branding to conversions (Full-Service)

People and companies in the field of creative prefer to do just something “create“. We are of the opinion that creativity is an a crucial element that is a part of marketing via digital. But, it doesn’t end there. We also assist our clients design a strategy for their business, and then manage the results of our innovative. This allows us to become an effective digital marketing partner for our clients, and guide them throughout the entire funnel.

500 Small Business Enterprises Helped (And 600 Small Businesses Helped (Counting)

Our team is experienced across all industries and market. When you partner in conjunction with LYFE Marketing you can trust that you’re in safe in the hands of a professional. We understand what it takes to prepare a business to launch its marketing campaign, draw attention, build rapport with the crowd and turn them into loyal customers.

In-House Staff

We don’t outsource work to other countries. Everything that is done through LYFE Marketing is directly employed by us (outside of our third tooling or software). You can rest assured that you’re working with professionals who know about marketing and branding. We make our clients ‘ lives simpler because we “get what we’re talking about“.

Brilliant Brand comprises the following seven foundations


Brand Substance

Interviews and workshops are held to collect needs, brainstorm ideas and clarify your company’s model, processes and the reason behind it.

We’d like to clarify the how, what and why of the brand, so that your strategy and branding is aligned with your company’s goals and your internal culture and the requirements of your clients.

This process is very deep and provides the long-term strategy and the fundamental values that drive your brand.


Brand Audience

This is how you run your company and the more you know your clients the better you will be able to personalize their experience based on your marketing and branding strategies.

Based on already-existing customer data, the voice of the customer research and interviews with customers We determine the exact customers you’d like to speak to with your marketing communications with a tone that is resonant.

You’ll be able to see a full image of the buyer personas to focus on to ensure that you are able to attract precisely the right customers to your brand.


Brand Positioning

To make yourself stand out in a distinctive manner you must know what you’re up against both on a direct as well as indirect level.

We conduct an analysis at the top of your competitors to determine opportunities, gaps, and important differentiators to create a strong position for your business in the market.

One big idea can be to claim the “go-to” area you wish to hold in the market and in the minds of your customers.


Brand Voice

Customers are looking for authentic brands that are human and have an encapsulated story, backed by a believable tone and voice that appeals to them in a human and easily recognizable manner.

We help you define your brand’s voice and persona – with guidelines as well as examples and words – that can affect how you communicate regularly and will help you establish connections with your customers.

Point of View

Brand Messaging

Your business requires a clear and compelling brand image that can be awe-inspiring in the minds and hearts of your clients.

We develop key messages like the mission, vision, purpose values, USP tagline, and the origin story.

These brand statements along with the core messaging framework let you use the same blueprint to create and deliver a strategy for communication that can draw attention to your brand and build your branding for years to come.


Brand Identity

Utilizing your brand’s strategy as fuel, we’ll work together to develop an appealing visual identity and unique communications for your brand.

From memorable names to an identifiable logo and identity system to a website that is working for you (while you’re asleep) These components grab the attention of visitors, create a powerful initial impression, and distinguish you from your competitors.

Brand Naming

Logo & Identity Design

Packaging Style (physical and digital)

Business Collateral

Media Graphic Templates Social Media Graphic Templates

Brand Style Guide to Brand Style

Web Content Creation

Site Design & Development

Opt-in forms and landing pages


Brand Visibility

It may take between 5 and 7 impressions before a person will recall your brand name and possibly become involved with it (or even think about purchasing).

Being aware and having a sound an effective amplification strategy is crucial to be seen in properly as well as accelerating growth by being in the forefront of mind with your clients.

Planning strategically is the most efficient method to ensure the standards of your brand and to execute marketing campaigns.

We’ll create a 4-part branding strategy that will position your company to increase sales through these channels.

SEO and Content Marketing

Email Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Paid-for Advertising

(*This refers to the advertising strategy, and implementation of monthly brand marketing can be added to your marketing plan.)

Our Other Digital Marketing Services

Content Marketing

Web Development

Video Production

Social Media Marketing



App Development


Let’s Build your Brand

What services can we provide you?*